Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:Thermocouple Temperature Transmitters
MS4100 SeriesMS4101
Rack Mount Type
Thermocouple Temperature Transmitter
Accepts millivolt signals from a thermocouple, performs cold junction compensation, amplification and linearization, and provides two mutually isolated DC output signals.
Thermocouple types: K, E, J, T, B, and others
Output 1
4 to 20mA, 1 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 1V, and others
Output 2
1 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 1V, and others
Response Time
Approx. 2Hz-3dB (63%: 0.1s)
Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:RTD Temperature Transmitters
MS4100 SeriesMS4102
Rack Mount Type
RTD Temperature Transmitter
Supplies constant current to RTD, performs cold junction compensation, amplification and linearization of its millivolt input signals, and provides two mutually isolated DC output signals.
RTD: Pt 100Ω, JPt 100Ω, Ni 508.4Ω, and others
Output 1
4 to 20mA, 1 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 1V, and others
Output 2
1 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 1V, and others
Response Time
Approx. 2Hz-3dB (63%: 0.1s)
Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:RTD Temperature Transmitters
MS4000-2W SeriesMS4002-2W
Rack Mount Type
2-Wire RTD Temperature Transmitter
Supplies constant current to 3-wire RTD, performs cold junction compensation, amplification and linearization of its millivolt input signals, and provides two-wire DC current signals (4 to 20mA) for standard DC drive.
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RTD: Pt 100Ω, JPt 100Ω, Ni 508.4Ω, and others
Output 1
4 to 20mA
Response Time
Approx. 2Hz-3dB (63%: 0.1s)
Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:Thermocouple Temperature Transmitters
MS3800 SeriesMS3801
Chassis Mount Type
Thermocouple Temperature Transmitter
Converts thermocouple inputs into commonly used DC signals.
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Thermocouple types: K, E, J, T, B, and others
Output 1
1 to 5V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 4 to 20mA
Response Time
Approx. 2Hz-3dB (63%: 0.1s)
Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:RTD Temperature Transmitters
MS3800 SeriesMS3802
Chassis Mount Type
RTD Temperature Transmitter
Converts RTD inputs into commonly used DC signals.
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RTD: Pt 100Ω, JPt 100Ω, Ni 508.4Ω, and others
Output 1
1 to 5V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 4 to 20mA
Response Time
Approx. 2Hz-3dB (63%: 0.1s)
Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:Thermocouple Temperature Transmitters
MS3200 SeriesMS3201
Unit Type
Thermocouple Temperature Transmitter
Accepts millivolt signals from a thermocouple, performs cold junction compensation, amplification and linearization, and provides DC output signals.
Thermocouple types: K, E, J, T, B, and others
Output 1
4 to 20mA, 1 to 5V, 0 to 10V, +/-10V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 1V, and others
Response Time
Approx. 2Hz-3dB (63%: 0.1s)
Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:RTD Temperature Transmitters
MS3200 SeriesMS3202
Unit Type
RTD Temperature Transmitter
Supplies constant current to RTD, performs cold junction compensation, amplification and linearization of its millivolt input signals, and provides DC output signals.
RTD: Pt 100Ω, JPt 100Ω, Ni 508.4Ω, and others
Output 1
4 to 20mA, 1 to 5V, 0 to 10V, +/-10V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 1V, and others
Response Time
Approx. 2Hz-3dB (63%: 0.1s)
Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:Thermocouple Temperature Transmitters
MS2300 SeriesMS2301
Rack Mount Type
Thermocouple Temperature Transmitter
Accepts millivolt signals from a thermocouple, performs cold junction compensation, amplification and linearization, and provides DC output signals. Successor model: MS3701 or MS4101
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Thermocouple types: K, E, J, T, B, and others
Output 1
1 to 5V, 0 to 1V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 4 to 20mA, and others
Response Time
Approx. 2Hz-3dB (63%: 0.1s)
Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:RTD Temperature Transmitters
MS2300 SeriesMS2302
Rack Mount Type
RTD Temperature Transmitter
Supplies constant current to RTD, performs cold junction compensation, amplification and linearization of its millivolt input signals, and provides DC output signals. Successor model:MS3702 or MS4102
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RTD: Pt 100Ω, JPt 100Ω, Ni 508.4Ω, and others
Output 1
1 to 5V, 0 to 1V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 4 to 20mA, and others
Response Time
Approx. 2Hz-3dB (63%: 0.1s)
Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:RTD Temperature Transmitters
MS2300 SeriesMS2312
Rack Mount Type
Non-Isolated RTD Temperature Transmitter
The MS2312 is a non-isolated RTD temperature transmitter that supplies constant current to RTD, performs cold junction compensation, amplification and linearization of its millivolt input signals, and provides DC output signals. No successor model.
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4 to 20mA, 1 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, and others
Output 1
1 to 5V, 0 to 1V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 4 to 20mA, and others
Response Time
Approx. 2Hz-3dB (63%: 0.1s)
Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:Thermocouple Temperature Transmitters
MS3300 SeriesMS3301
Plug-in Type
Thermocouple Temperature Transmitter
Successor model: MS5301
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Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:RTD Temperature Transmitters
MS3300 SeriesMS3302
Plug-in Type
RTD Temperature Transmitter
Successor model: MS5302
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Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:Thermocouple Temperature Transmitters
MS3500 SeriesMS3501
Plug-in Type
Thermocouple Temperature Transmitter
Successor model: MS5501
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Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:RTD Temperature Transmitters
MS3500 SeriesMS3502
Plug-in Type
RTD Temperature Transmitter
Successor model: MS5502
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Isolated Signal Conditioner:Temperature Transmitters:RTD Temperature Transmitters
MS3500 SeriesMS3502-01
Plug-in Type
4-Wire RTD Temperature Transmitter
Suggested replacement model: MS3702-01 (Similar specifications are available.)